STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Translational Repeat dialog box

Used to duplicate objects in a model. The command works similar to a copy command, except multiple copies of an object can be made at a time. In addition, objects may be linked to together with transverse members. In order to use Translational Repeat, you must first select at least one object before the command will become available.

No. of Steps

Specify the number of copies to make.

Link Steps

Select this option to create a physical member between each new copy made, linking to the previous copy.

X, Y, Z Increment

The Increment group box allows you to specify the distance from the original object(s) to the copied object(s). When No. of Steps is greater than 1, the increment values will also specify the distance between the multiple copied objects. The increment unit used is specified in the Change Length Unit drop-down list box in the Tools toolbar.


Closes the dialog and creates the copied objects and links, if selected.


Closes the dialog without creating any copied objects.